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4 benefits of going for a walk with your dog

4 benefits of going for a walk with your dog

selena richard706 15-Jun-2019

If you think that walking with your dog and taking him out of dog run is something that only benefits your pet, you are wrong. When you go out with your friend you are also contributing to your health and happiness. Do you want to know why?

1. Liberas stress

Any doctor will be in favor of walking is an excellent habit for health. When you go for a walk, you put your body in motion, at the same time that you give your mind a break. You relax, you get distracted from everyday worries and it is even likely that you end up laughing out loud at some madness of your dog.

If you want to take advantage of the walks, take a toy or run with your friend. You will see that in the long run they will be so happy that no one will want to go home.

2. You organize your time better

When you include walking with your dog in your daily routine, you unwittingly force yourself to take time for it. No matter how busy your day or how tired you get home, you know that time is for you. If it is necessary to get up earlier or work harder in the office to leave on time, you do it. The main motivation is to give you a few minutes for your pet.

If you see him coming home and you see him running enthusiastically to bring his leash, you know something is doing well.

 3. You know your neighbors

In this accelerated time it is rare that we give ourselves the opportunity to meet our neighbors and the people of the neighborhood. However, when it becomes part of your routine to walk with your dog, you will eventually meet other proud owners. You'll see the gentleman who sells newspapers in the corner or the children who play soccer.

Maybe at another time these characters would seem alien, but after seeing them will often become part of your daily life and sooner or later you will get to greet them or even know their names or talk with them. By creating this bond of trust, you will have the certainty that if you ever need a cup of sugar or someone who has a battery, you will know who to turn to. 

 4. You get closer to your friend

The ties with pets do not occur by themselves, they are built. Although our friend loves us unconditionally, we will generate more trust and empathy if we look after his welfare and try to provide constant moments of play and happiness.

When walking with your dog you create a space of love and joy that belongs to you, and this is something that your friend will treasure forever.

Updated 18-Oct-2022
Selena is a blogger and a guest contributor for a well-known brand that includes MESHEBLE ( In her leisure time, she plays tennis.

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